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Why should I subscribe to the service “Your Water Supplies?"

This e-service offers you the possibility to monitor on our Website at a single point and for each water supply of your premises:

- the currently issued bills and their status (paid or pending)
- the water consumprion history (up to 16 previous entries)

You can also

- activate, should you wish so, e-messaging services for each one of them, so that you receive message:
- periodically when a new water bill is issued
- in case that is detected increased cossumprion during/at the metering

- to proceed to electronic payment of your water bills

For a sample of the display please press here.

Are my personal data safe from misuse?

EYDAP SA is obliged by law to protect sensitive personal data stored on its computers and also declares its obligation not to disclose such data to third parties.


How can I check if my personal data known to EYDAP SA are complete and up to date?

On our Website you can check if your data (such as name, surname, residential address, tax number, phone number, e-mail address, data of your tenant etc.) are complete and up to date by entering the Supply Number and the Water Meter Number at the link: Update your Data. You can find the Supply Number and the Water Meter Number on the Water Bill you receive at the address of the premises.

It is useful to repeat the check on each Water Supply of  premises you own or where you are a tenant.

You can also follow the instructions under the same link and identify yourself as owner or tenant of every premises you own or lease, thus becoming an Identified Customer for each water supply.

Subsequently, should you wish so, you can get registered to our e-service "Your Water Supplies". You can find more relevant information under the link: REGISTER

Is there any charge for this service?

No, this service is free of charge.

Which are the prerequisites for subscribing to this service?

You should be an identified customer of EYDAP AE  as Owner or Tenant of the premice and to have valid and active e-mail.

How can a water supply be declared as Common Use? Which are the advantages for the Manager?
If you are an authorized Manager for a non declared common use water supply, you can declare it as such on our Website under the link: Update your Data. This is a one time declaration and remains valid also for the succeeding Managers

This declaration brings the following advantages to the Manager:

1) The Water Bill for the specific supply is addressed as  “ΣΥΝΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΣΙΑ ΚΟΙΝΟΧΡΗΣΤΟ”, so that the Manager can easily trace it among the rest of the water bills of the building.
2) On our Website, under the link: Your Water Bill>Your Current Bill the Manager can monitor and pay off electronically the Common Use Water Bill and also monitor the supply’s consumption history.


How many tariff categories there are?

There are eight water tariff categories. 1st Category: General tariff-Household use. This tariff category also includes water consumers with over 3 children (in that case the charging of water consumption depends on the family numbers). 2nd Category: Industrial-Professional. 3rd Category: Public Buildings-Municipal Use. 4th Category: Commercial Faucets -Social Charity and Piraeus Harbor. 5th Category: Municipalities network support. 6th Category: Ships Supply. 7th Category: Fire prevention. 8th Category: Raw Water.

When can a consumer request for his bill to be reviewed by an EYDAP Committee and what documents are necessary?

Exorbitant bills that are due to damages (and subsequent water losses) in the internal household water network or to faulty measurement of the water meter are relegated to Bill Discount Committee. The involved person has to submit several supporting documents such as,

  • a written application which is given by the local Commercial Services Division Office,
  • documents concerning the repair of leakage,
  • a copy of the official income statement and
  • special certificates in the case of disabled persons or people with special needs.
I have paid off my Water bill, but on your Website the payment is declared pending!
The information on the status of payment of the water bill appears on our Website in 2 working days after its payment. For any further information please contact any of EYDAP’s Customer Service Centers.
I have paid off my Water Bill in due time, but on your Website its status is declared overdue!
The information on the status of payment of the water bill appears on our Website in 2 working days after its payment. For any further information please contact any of EYDAP’s Customer Service Centers.
In the event one is sent an exorbitant bill, what can the water consumer do?

Exorbitant bills result when there are damages to the internal water network (leakage that is visible or not) or due to other reasons (water taps left open, water theft, etc). Exorbitant water consumption also results when a hydrometer malfunctions (EYDAP’s responsibility). The water consumers are normally informed by the meter-reader of unusually high water consumption or by the Regional Commercial Services Departments, which send the consumers a notification concerning the possible causes of the leakage.

What happens when the water consumption registered on the water bill is incorrect?

All bills that appear to be abnormally high are checked before their dispatch to water consumers, in order to verify that the correct meter reading was registered with the bill issue. If it is found that the initial water reading was inputted incorrectly, the bill (which has not yet been sent to water-consumer) is invalidated and a new bill is issued.

My water bill is overdue! Can I pay it off on the Web?

Yes, you can (with the exception of HSBC Bank)

Are there any prerequisites or is there a certain procedure for the electronic payment of the water bill?

Assuming that
• The payment is not overdue 
• The Bill has not yet been paid off otherwise
• You have not submitted a standing order for your Bill payment
then by clicking on the virtual key [e-Payment] you can proceed to the electronic payment of the bill through the Internet Banking of our cooperating Banks. No other procedure and no other prerequisites are needed for the e-payment.

Is there any extra charge for the electronic payment of the water bill?
EYDAP SA offers the electronic payment of the water bill free of charge. On the payment web page of your Bank you will be informed about eventual fees your Bank charges for this payment.
Which Banks are cooperating with the website of EYDAP SA?
Under the link “cooperating Banks” you can find information about the Banks which are already cooperating with our Website and about those which have expressed the intention to be connected in the future. By clicking on the logo icon of each Bank you can read useful relevant information.
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