EYDAP has created the following Committees:
The main responsibilities of the Audit Committee, as defined by the relevant legislation, concern the monitoring of the financial information process, the effective operation of the internal control system and the risk management system, as well as the proper operation of the internal auditors' unit of the audited entity. They also concern the monitoring of the statutory audit of the financial statements, as well as the review and monitoring of issues related to the existence and maintenance of objectivity and independence of the statutory auditor or audit firm, especially regarding the provision to the so-called entity of other services by the statutory auditor or audit firm. Audit Committee is also responsible for the process of selecting a chartered accountant or auditing firm. The Audit Committee, for the implementation of its work, meets at regular intervals and extraordinarily, when it is required.
Chairman: Anastasia Martseki
Members: Christos Karaplis, Marina Mavrommati
BoD Audit Committee Bylaws
The Remunerations & Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors is consisted exclusively by non-executive members of the Board of the Company, which are independent in their majority, with the main responsibility of establishing the Remuneration Policy. The Remuneration & Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors as an independent and objective body, which assists in a transparent manner the BoD of the Company in matters relating to remuneration of the Chairman of the Board, as well as its executive and non-executive members, in accordance with the current legislation, as well as the selection of suitable persons for the acquisition of the status of member of the Board of Directors of EYDAP, according to article 12 of Law 4706/2020 and the Suitability-Nominations Policy of the Company.
Chairman: Efthymios Sfikas
Members: Marika Labrou, Panagiotis Skoularikis
Remunerations and Nominations Committee Bylaws
The Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Development Committee was established by the decision 21717/08./11.2023 of the Board of Directors of EYDAP. The Committee is informed, analyses, evaluates and advises the Company’s Management and its Bod on issues related to the general strategy of the Company and specifically on issues regarding sustainable development and ESG, as well as new technologies and innovation, including the Company’s digital transformation, cybersecurity and sustainability, through innovative technologies.
The ultimate goal of the Committee is the sustainable development and optimization of the Company’s value, through the use of innovation.
Chairman: George Stergiou
Members: Harry Sachinis, Antonis Giannikouris, Christos Mistriotis, Anastasia Martseki
Strategy, Innovation and Sustainable Development Committee Bylaws
In order to ensure adequate and efficient operation of the Company's Internal Control System, which helps it, inter alia, to identify and manage the substantial risks related to its business activity and operation, the Board of Directors by Decision No. 21728/06.12.2023 approved the establishment of a Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors of EYDAP. The Committee has five members who are executive and non-executive members of the BoD, at least one of whom is independent. The Board of Directors appoints the members and designates the Chairman of the Committee from among its independent members. The term of office of the members coincides with their term as members of the BoD.
The purpose of the Risk Management Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in performing its functions regarding operational risk management. It does this by supervising, evaluating and reviewing the planning and implementation of the risk management framework with respect to operational, technological, climate, financial and other risks; the crisis and disaster response plans and their effective implementation as well as the business continuity planning, taking into account the range of activities, critical infrastructure and complexity of the Company.
Chairman: George Stergiou
Members: Marika Labrou, Antonis Giannikouris, George Alexandrakis, Marina Mavrommati
Risk Management Committee Bylaws
The Regulatory Compliance Committee was established by the decision 21717/08./11.2023 of the Board of Directors of EYDAP. The purpose of the Committee is to ensure the effective implementation of the principles of corporate governance as well as to assist the BoD in fulfilling its responsibilities regarding the Company’s ongoing compliance with the statutory regulatory framework that governs its operation.
Therefore, the Regulatory Compliance Committee supervises and evaluates the planning and implementation of the Regulatory Compliance Policy as well as the Regulatory Compliance Management System adopted and implemented by the Company.
Chairman: Helen-Maria Kaymenaki,
Members: Efthymios Sfikas, Emmanouel Aggelakis
Operation of the Regulatory Compliance Committee Bylaws (under revision)