Payment of cash distributions of the Company (dividend, interim dividend, tax-free reserves etc.) is performed by the paying agent (National Bank of Greece) in one of the following ways:
1. Through DSS (Dematerialized Securities System) Operators, for those of the beneficiary shareholders who have authorized their Operators for the collection of distributed amounts.
2. Through the National Bank of Greece Branches Network, for those of the beneficiary shareholders who have requested to be excluded from the above procedure.
To receive payment from the paying agent branches network, shareholders are required to produce the following documents:
· Identity Card
· Print-out indicating the Investors Share Code Number in the DDS (abbreviated to K.A.M.E.)
Payment to any person other than the beneficiary shareholder can only be made upon submission of a written authorization, indicating detailed personal data of both the beneficiary shareholder and his/her designated proxy (name and surname, father’s name, Identity Card Number & Tax Identification Number), with beneficiary’s signature verification stamp by the Police or any other competent public authority.
Pursuant to article 250 of the Greek Civil Code and Legislative Decree 1195/1942, the shareholder’s claim on the payment of dividends by a Société anonyme Company is statute-barred in favour of the Greek State after a period of five years. This period starts at the end of the year in which the claim arose, that is, the year in which the financial statements were approved and the decision on the distribution of dividends was taken.