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EYDAP, consistent as always in its social role, provides its customers with the possiblity - upon request - to adjust in instalments all kinds of overdue depts.

How can I submit my request?

Your request for settlement can be submitted either at the competent Regional Center or online at our website www.eydap.gr

Which dept can I settle?

In order to start a debt settlement, it is necessary to have debts exceeding 60.000€ in total.

What is the minimum instalment?

The minimum instalment cannot be less than 20,00€.

How many instalments can I apply for?

The number of instalments requested for an electronic settlement request cannot exceed eighteen (18).
For a larger number of instalments, you should contact the relevent Regional Centre.
If you are a holder of the Exceptional Special Tariff of EYDAP (beneficiaires of Law. 4389/2016), you can settle all your debts up to a maximum of thirty-sic (36)interest-free monthly instalments.

When do I pay my instalments?

The immediate payment of the first instalment is a prerequisite for the activation of the settlement. The due date for the remaining installments is the last business day of the following months from the date the settlement is initiated.

What supporting documents do I need?
  • Copy of proof of identity (ID card, passport, etc.)
  • Power of attorney (in case of a third party)
  • If you are an owner, recent E9 or property deed. If you have done an Update of Information within the last six months, you are not required.
  • If you are a tenant, a certified affidavit of 1599/86 with the landlord's consent and a lease agreement. If you did an Update of Data within the last six months, you will not be asked for a lease.
  • In the case of a Company, the application is submitted by the legal representative and the attachment of articles of association or a Government Gazette is required.
Other useful information....
  • The instalments are interest-bearing.
  • You cannot request o settelment for a supply for which is already an active (ongoing) settlement.
  • If you want a new settlement when there are at least two invalidated ones, you should contact the relevant Regional Centre.
  • In case of a communal supply, the application for settlement is submitted to the relevant Regional Centre (a record of a meeting or a list of those supplied is required).
What should I look out for?
  • Payment of instalments must be made consistently. This is because the failure to pay two instalments in time, will automaticaly result in a disconnection of the water supply. Especially for rented properties, the disconnection is automatically issued immediately after one instalment is overdue.
  • If 3 instalments, or 2 instalments in the case of a rented property become overdue, the settlement is voided.
  • In any case, the settlement is only valid if the current bills are also paid on time.


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