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Installation of a sewage pumping station in the Nursery of the Municipality of Athens

EYDAP in the context of its participation in the research program NEXTGEN proceeds to the purchase and installation of a prefabricated sewage pumping station in the nursery of the Municipality of Athens in the area of ​​Goudi. The pumping station is treated with untreated wastewater through a connection made to the well of the central gravity pipeline of the sewage system of Eydap. The pumping station then supplies a wastewater treatment plant for the production of reuse water in order to irrigate the plants that cover all the needs of the Municipality. Until recently, the irrigation needs were covered with drinking water of EYDAP.

The technology of direct sewage pumping (sewer mining) applied in this project is the first time applied in Greece and confirms the fact that EYDAP through participation in a series of European programs produces knowledge and know-how and finds solutions to important issues concerning the country, such as water scarcity. ''

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