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Research Activities

• Self-funded research projects driven from Company’s current and future needs
• Proposing and implementing European and / or National funded research projects (Horizon 2020, FP7, Interreg, LIFE, NSRF 2014-2020 etc.)
EYDAP participates in the following European projects:

Horizon 2020


The Theseus - HUB4Circularity project’s mission is the cooperation of municipalities and regions with industries regarding the management of resources, waste, energy, water, infrastructures, services, transportation and networks, in the context of promoting the Industrial-Urban symbiosis (I-US). In line with the European Strategy Processes4Planet partnership objectives, the project will establish the first Hubs4Circularity (H4C) with the overarching goal of developing local I-US solutions, first in the metropolitan area of Athens (Attica) and progressively to the whole country, in order to become climate neutral by 2050. EYDAP in collaboration with project partners will validate a set of solutions for the recovery and valorisation of water flows with the aim of including them in different circular symbiotic value chains (industrial, domestic, urban, agricultural use) for both central and decentralized cases. More specifically, the Water Reuse Masterplan in Attica (beyond Eastern Attica) utilising reclaimed water from wastewater treatment plants and Sewer Mining units will be delivered, while the possibility of augmenting water resources and water supply system will be investigated. Additionally, the utilization of sludge produced from wastewater treatment plants and Sewer Mining units for the recovery of materials and energy production will be examined. Moreover, decentralised Nature-Based Solutions will be deployed for the collection and storage of rainwater, from rooftops and/or from surface runoff in the urban and peri-urban environment, aiming to both mitigate floods and recover water for urban and industrial use. Finally, a Water Oriented Living Lab will be coordinated to assist the implementation of the Water Reuse Masterplan. Duration of the project: 1/12/2024 – 30/11/2029 

LinkedIn: theseus-hub-4-circularity-eu



Understanding Groundwater Pollution in the Kifissos basin to Safeguard and Elevate Water Quality.

UPWATER aims to revolutionize the protection and enhancement of water quality by offering advanced tools and comprehensive strategies. Our primary focus is to facilitate the safe and contaminant-free replenishment of aquifers through innovative methodologies. This initiative involves active participation from stakeholders, water agencies, and policymakers within collaborative spaces, encouraging the engagement of citizens to foster social acceptance and appreciation of the solutions proposed. Moreover, this project aims to amplifying public awareness regarding the benefits of employing engineered natural treatment systems. These systems not only significantly elevate water quality but also offer compelling evidence, models, and methods that are applicable in shaping regulatory and governance decisions.
Duration of the project: 2022 – 2026 https://www.upwater.eu


As environmental conditions undergo radical changes and climate conditions deteriorate, EYDAP, in alignment with the European Union, adapts to these challenges. Any potential disruption, whether it be intentional, such as a terrorist attack, or a natural disaster, can threaten the smooth operation of structures and have serious impacts on the local community and its daily activities or well-being. Current advancements in various technologies can be particularly useful in safeguarding Critical Infrastructure (CI), especially when they can provide timely support without the need for human intervention. Through the European program TESTUDO, EYDAP will utilize advanced unmanned vehicles in conjunction with existing equipment to provide a highly effective platform for continuous monitoring, even in challenging environments and remote areas. TESTUDO will incorporate cutting-edge technologies, making extensive use of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins for risk detection, prevention, and prediction. EYDAP takes a leadership role, coordinating three pilot demonstrations in Europe, including a Greek Drinking Water Treatment Plant and the Marathonas Lake.
Duration of project: October 2023 – September 2026


EYDAP is demonstrating the potential of the EU funded, open source platform “FIWARE” by incorporating heterogeneous data from sensors (flow, level and water quality meters) placed at a specific part of the external aqueduct, into a single integrated operating system. In this way, EYDAP will be able to develop analytics and models aiming to: (a) optimizing water conveyance from sources to treatment plants and (b) providing early warning alerts when needed.
Duration of the project: 2019 – 2022 https://www.fiware4water.eu


Assess and promotes circular economy systems to improve existing water resource management practices by implementing innovative technology and business solutions for water, in ten large scale pilot demonstration applications across Europe. After having successfully installed and evaluated a pilot sewer mining (SM) unit in its premises, under the European project DESSIN, EYDAP moves one step forward on the installation and operation of an innovative pilot water reuse unit in the center of Athens, as part of a larger and more holistic configuration that examines all three ‘streams’ associated with water in CE: water, energy and materials, through artificial ecosystems.
Duration of the project: 2018 – 2022


Aimed at scaling-up eco-innovative and energy-efficient solutions to renovate existing wastewater treatment plants. EYDAP was responsible for the development and operation of a pilot plant, that treated the rejected water produced by the dehydration of the sludge of Psyttalia Wastewater Treatment Plant. The aim of this unit was to reduce the nutrients of the drains and the energy consumption of their treatment.
Duration of the project: 2016 – 2020


This program had the overall aim of utilizing a range of innovative monitoring tools to facilitate investigative monitoring activities to identify sources of pollutants on catchment scale. In Greece, EYDAP R&D is pioneer in water bodies monitoring by autonomous robotic boats and since 2019 operates them, providing with concrete findings in real time authorities and organizations, which are responsible for 11 lakes and 4 rivers. Additionally, the systematic, full scale application of autonomous boats could support the investigative monitoring programs of the WFD in the future and represent a valid rapid tool/approach in case of emergencies thus assisting in more effective crisis management.
Duration of project: 2016 – 2020


It will develop and validate a coherent multi-scale, multi-level, cross-sectoral climate change adaptation framework to accelerate the transition towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy with the aim of empowering the community. EYDAP is involved in one of the seven EU biogeographical demo regions of the project, where will further develop the sewer mining technology that is already applied in the company’s facilities and in the center of Athens, providing a circular economy solution in harmonization with the new sewerage projects carried out in Eastern Attica. EYDAP will also participate in the development of a Region’s Digital Twin (digital model for the optimization and simulation of water, weather and energy parameters in order to shield end-users against uncertain climate change conditions.
Duration of project: 2021 – 2025


The project will function as an end-to-end service, managing the energy consumption of large industrial installations’ digital lifecycle and the process of transition to flexible and sustainable operation. This process will be enabled by advanced and green data acquisition, Big Data Infrastructures, process analysis, model development and finally Digital Twins with integrated multi-agent decision support systems. EYDAP will be responsible for the Psyttalia Wastewater Treatment Plant (PWWTP) retrofitting in order to optimize the monitoring and energy consumption of the aeration and the sludge drying process. Digital twins of these processes will be developed to evaluate the effect of operating conditions (eg response rate, acceleration or deceleration), as well as the parallel production of energy from renewable energy sources. Additionally, a multi-agent digital decision-making tool (multi-agent FODSS) will be developed to optimize the energy balance of the selected PWWTP processes and the implementation of the corresponding process controls.
Duration of project: 2022 – 2026


The project narrows the knowledge gap in terms of pharmaceutical compounds and their derivatives effect in the environment as it enables to better understand the environmental impact of such compounds, throughout their lifecycle. It aims to offer information regarding occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the environment, their persistence, environmental fate, and toxicity as well as application of in-silico methods to provide information about the basic risk management and fate prediction in the environment. EYDAP will be responsible for the monitoring campaign of Psyttalia Wastewater Treatment Plant inlet and effluent quality in terms of the pharmaceutical compounds and the assessment of the ecological status of the marine ecosystem around the WWTP. Additionally, EYDAP will be responsible for the development of a thorough report, which will also serve as feedback to the European Union, in order to better manage the pharmaceuticals and their derivatives in wastewater and surface water.
Duration of project: 2022 – 2025

RHE MEDiation

The RHE-MEDiation lighthouse aims at establishing a responsive hub, deploying long-term governance centred on the mission to de-stress the Mediterranean Sea from chemical pollution, aiming at the most impacting components that currently affect the Mediterranean and threaten its survival in the short term, if no action is taken, like heavy metals, pesticides, PFAS & "forever chemicals". EYDAP will be responsible for the pilot demonstration of a small scale, tertiary treatment of wastewater, based on microalgae solutions, on the WWTP of Thriasio and the evaluation of their benefits, with the involvement of the local communities. It will also set-up a combined fixed and mobile cooperative monitoring system, based on smart multi-sensors, providing water detection and measurement of pollutants, on the effluents of the WWTP and the Gulf of Elefsis.
Duration of project: 2023 – 2026.


The European project ToDrinQ develops and tests a set of complementary, innovative solutions that provide new data and advanced support tools to managers and strategists, aiming to adapt to changes in water quality, ensuring high-quality water, while strengthening EYDAP under the revised Drinking Water Directive. ToDrinQ develops new sensor technologies and real-time water quality control, innovative processing systems, and functional decision-making tools that support resilience in the design of treatment units, and the broader improvement of operators' information and response. EYDAP plays a leading role, coordinating five pilot Demo Cases in Europe. Including the Greek Demo Case, where innovative sensors will be installed in the main canal of Mornos, and a small-scale DWTP (500l/h) will be installed at Polydendri site, which will be supplied, moreover, with raw water from Lake Yliki, in order to test and verify its treatment capacity. Finally, soft sensors will be used and calibrated, which will enhance the operational readiness of the unit. According to the specifications of the Greek demonstration, the decision support tool will be tested, and a comprehensive control and operational support platform will be developed, tested, and verified by the new unit.


7th Framework Program (FP7)



The project intend to demonstrate new technologies for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (60/2000). The Athens pilot plant is one of the five pilot applications implemented in Germany, Norway, the Netherlands and Spain, where innovative technologies for water reuse aimed mainly to irrigation of green urban areas are demonstrated. Duration of project: 2014 – 2017


It aimed at demonstrating the recharge of groundwater aquifers with treated wastewater as a measure to prevent seawater inflow. EYDAP contributed to the project by providing and analyzing treated wastewater from the Metamorphosis Wastewater Treatment Plant, as a recharge source for the controlled enrichment of a hydrological infiltration basin of the technological park of Lavrio.
Duration of project: 2013 – 2016


ESPA (EU-National funding)


EYDAP is coordinating the HEAVYMOFS project whose main objective is the development of new cost-effective technologies for the treatment of heavy metal ion-containing wastewater, contributing to the optimal use and management of water. These technologies will be based on ion-exchange metal organic frameworks (IEMOFs) and IEMOF-organic polymer composites. Τhe cost of the new ion exchange columns is expected to be particularly low, due to the relatively low cost of IEMOFs and composite materials, their reusability / recycling capability, but also because the columns will contain mainly (90-99% by weight) silica sand (a particularly low cost material).
Duration of project: 2022 – 2024

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