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The water network is comprised of all the primary transfer and distribution pipelines conveying  treated water from the WTPs to the consumers’ water meters. The current network began to be manufactured in 1926 and has a total length of 9,500 km, as is the distance of Athens from Tokyo in Japan.

Moreover, in addition to pipelines, water supply network includes pumps and pressure tanks. Specifically, 81 pumping stations work for the supply of sites located at high altitude, while 55 city tanks are in scattered high elevation places of the city and have total capacity  885,000 m3.

The altitude of EYDAP jurisdiction areas ranges from 0m to +600 m. The total number of water meters is  around 2,030,000.

Moreover, the water supply network is monitored on a 24-hour basis from execute remote control system (SCADA) for the monitoring of the functioning of the WTP, network, storage tanks , water pumping stations and major nodal points in the network. This system includes 100 posts continuous monitoring and recording of the operation of the water supply network.

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